Registration for TERRAenVISION 5:

For more info on the conference: 

early bird fee until the 15th of April 2024

early bird fee until the 15th of April 2024

Pre-conference excursion: 6-7 July 2025: we visit vineyards and tropical agricultural production

Post-conference excursion: 12-13 July 2025: we visit forest fires and irrigation systems.

including transport, food and accomodation.

if you want to be on both excursions you need to book two times

Alternatively you pay through bank transfer to: 


IBAN: NL64RABO 0319 8037 32


please state clearly: name of participant and type of payment (1 day, full fee, student or normal)

Please contact organizing.committee@terraenvision for the necessary proforma and/or receipt


Note: by registering to this event you agree to having your photos shared on social media and our future website.